Sunday, May 08, 2016

That Time I Had Way Too Much Time With Wooden Men

So I am setting up my marketing for my classes and I decided to paint artist mannequins a different color to go with the type of art/craft I would be teaching each week. I originally broke up my month into 4 weeks, each one doing a different discipline (or department if you will).

Week one is dedicated to "fine art", so using the mediums you would find in the Art Supply section. So the mascot for week one is "Art"

Week two is "Paper Art" so I named him "Chip" (after chipboard)

The third week is dedicated to "needle art" so his name is
affectionately "Ned"

Finally we come to what week 4 brings us. Very simply this will be something in the general
"crafting" and/or "jewelry" realm. So his name shall be "Clay"

Regardless of where this ends up, I will always have my buddies to help me in the studio!

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