Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Beary Bunny

The kids' school let out early because there is a beautiful dusting of snow. As my oldest says "they are afraid we will get our pants wet". We live in a somewhat rural area, with a lot of hills, so if there is any snow accumulation, there is no school.

My youngest wanted to get started on her homework right away (because she is a very type A person) so that she could go play. She brought this picture and asked me if I could help her with it. Here is the conversation:

Daughter: "Mom, could you help me with my bear for the cafeteria contest?" *showing it to me and pointing to the middle and the ears..."Like maybe some glitter around here or something"

Me: "Did you draw that yourself?" *confused because it looks more like a bunny than a bear.
Daughter: "No, see the outline. This was printed."

Me: Still confussed at the outline, then I started laughing.

Daughter: "What?"

Me: Turning it around...

"Whatcha got there little guy?"...All three of the kids started laughing hysterically.

How are we going to fix this? We don't need a little phallic bear hanging in the school cafeteria. Looks like mom is going to trace a new bear.

I traced the outline and she went right to work :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leave it to YOUR daughter!


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