Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Study in Color

This assignment consisted of seven images. The images were to be made up of basic shapes arranged in a way allows the viewer to asses the relationship of the colors.

Image one and and two are made up of the primary colors against both black and white backgrounds:

Looking at the two studies side by side, one sees a definite switch of emphasis. The design on the black background is more balance with each color seemingly sharing intensity. The same image on the white background, however, intensifies the blue shapes, as the yellow circle in the center seems to blend into the white background. The vibrancy of the colors is much more intense set against the black background. The one thing that seems to be an interesting effect is that of the red circle in the center of the yellow circle. The set in the black background seems to have a receding red circle, whereas in the white the red seems to be in front of the yellow circle.

Images 3 and 4 were to be the same shapes as the secondary colors on black and white backgrounds:

Once again, the black background increases the intensity of the colors. The focus of these images has changed from the center circle, as in the primary, to the orange portions in the black background. The white background seems to make the purple portions stand out the most. The relationship between the colors are an interesting aspect of this design. The orange set against the purple takes on a cooler hue, and those set against the green take on a warmer hue. The green reacts accordingly with it’s surroundings, as well. However, it is the intensity that changes for the green. The green that is set against the purple takes on a darker shade than that behind the orange. These color relationship changes are equally seen in both the black and white backgrounds.

Images 5 and 6 were to be the same image, once again, using the 6 tertiary colors.
There is so much going on with this color scheme that it is hard to focus on one aspect. One thing that stood out right away is the trapezoids seem to be larger against the black background then those on the white. With the primary and secondary designs there was certain unity about them. The whole picture provide a focus, and the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines of sight were easily established. In this set; however, there seems to be a vertical line through the cool images, that separates the top half from the bottom.

As far as color relations, the blue-green does seem to be cooler as a background for the yellow-green then that against the yellow-orange. The red-purple in the center of the blue-purple seems to be an entirely different hue than that set against the yellow-green. In the past images the black background seems to intensify all of the colors. In this one the blue-green is less saturated than against it’s white counterpart.

Image 7 was to be the image that is, in my opinion, the most harmonious. The emphasis is to be circled and followed by an explanation on why:

This one is, in my opinion, the most harmonious of the six images. The colors seem to belong to each other, and to the black background. This image creates a sense of depth that literally pulls the eye to the center. However it’s not the center that is the main focus, but the action created by the trapezoids that catches the viewers attention. It’s almost as if a box has been opened, and the thrill is not what’s inside, but the act of opening it.

In my first design I chose just three shapes arranged as they are now. Once I came to the tertiary portion of the assignment I quickly realized that more shapes were needed. Both to fit all six colors in, and to adequately observe the relations between the colors. I am still not fond of the tertiary sets. I am accustomed to sticking with a two to three color combination, thus the tertiary sets seem to be overwhelming.

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