Thursday, July 12, 2007

Study in Repetition

This assignment consisted of creating either a design or motif for the first image. The second image was to be a repetitive pattern. The design could be flipped, mirrored, or tiled. Whatever it took to achieve unity and balance.

The first part of this process was creating the motif. I did this by experimenting with different motif possibilities on graph paper. This allowed me to make sure that the positive and negative spaces matched up precisely with each side. I then scanned the motif’s to which worked best as a pattern.

Upon making the decision for the motif that created the most balance and unity, I set to perfecting it in PhotoShop. This proved to be a very time consuming, yet rewarding, task. I chose to use contrasting colors of purple and yellow, and green as an accent color. Keeping it three colors, or less, I felt was important to maintain the unity and balance.

The next step in the process was to create the pattern. I had intended on having the edges vertical, and the middle two rows horizontal. This was too much movement, however. I then chose to keep it simple by tiling the motif, as if it was ceramic wall tiles, or fabric. I feel the end result to have the rhythm, balance, and unity in the repeating pattern that I desired from the beginning.

I do think I will try the other two sketches...So stay tuned :D

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