Sunday, August 08, 2010

Sketch2Sketch #1 - The Student In The Coffee Shop

We're trying something new as Laura mentioned in the last blog post. This is an exercise for both of us to hone our skills and keep in practice. I welcome constructive criticism as I learn from suggestions as how to make things more polished. Without further ado....

The Student In The Coffee Shop

He walked into the coffee shop. "Hey man." he said to the barista as he approached the low black counter and engaged in small talk. Walnut brown hair sat short and clean around the back of his rounded head while the slightly longer hair on top was styled metrosexual unkempt. Day and a half old stubble framed the bottom half of his face. Reddish brown metallic framed glasses that his brown eyes peered through, sat atop his perfectly straight and average nose. He wore a dingy white LaCoste polo shirt with a heathered gray t-shirt layered underneath despite the 102 degree weather outside. His kept his thumbs hooked under the straps of his charcoal backpack with the rest of his hand lying softly over the top of the straps. His bare toes peeked out from under the frayed hem of his dirty wash jeans that hid the slippers he wore.

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