Tuesday, August 08, 2006

EDM Challenge #78- Draw a Souvenir

Originally uploaded by Mommy Bee.

The challenge...Draw a souvenir of a place you have been. Journal a bit about that place.

The Souvenir (s)...A glass from the St. Louis Zoo and my Lewis and Clark Journal.

The memory?

Zoo- I remember when I was around nine my mom and dad started dating again, (they were divorced when I was 5). My dad lived up in the St. Louis area, so we went to the Zoo "as a family"...Dad, Mom, Mark (my brother), and I. This is the only memory I have of us all being together. That fall, Dad met Linda my stepmother, to this day.

Journaling with Louis and Clark- This was a wonderful program put on by the state of Missouri, where you go to eight different sights in the state, and learn something new about the 1804-1806 expedition. Then you write or draw about it in the journal provided by the state. We intended to fill up the book, but with car troubles this year, we only made it to two of the locations. Unfortunately the program was over in May. But that doesn't mean we can't still visit those places and journal on our own :-)

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Originally uploaded by Mommy Bee.

I did this one for Donovan in 2003...he had just turned 4.

Kiba (from Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Kiba (from Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Originally uploaded by Mommy Bee.

Just a little something I did for the boys.

Bigger Than Life

Bigger Than Life
Originally uploaded by Mommy Bee.

I just love the play of light on this one. Devan (my 5 year-old autistic son) set this up. He took a picture that was of course fuzzy...he doesn't stay still long enough ;-) So I retook it for him. It takes my breath away everytime I see it.


Originally uploaded by Mommy Bee.

Doesn't the title say it all?

Shadow Train

Shadow Train
Originally uploaded by Mommy Bee.

I just love how the shadow runs perfectly parallel with the train. It's an awesome train too.

Let's Race

Let's Race
Originally uploaded by Mommy Bee.

This was the picture that made it to the simi-finals at Pictures.com



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